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Mission Statement
We welcome adults at risk of or experiencing homelessness. Working collaboratively, we provide access to a spectrum of care that supports each person’s transition to the most independent living possible—including emergency shelter, programs and services, and affordable and supported housing.
About This Cause
More than emergency shelter At the Calgary Drop-In Centre, we welcome adults at risk of or experiencing homelessness. Working collaboratively with community partners, we offer a broad spectrum of care including emergency shelter, health programs, and housing options – all geared to help people find their way home. Every person’s story is as unique as the situation that brings them to our doors. For many, homelessness is the only option when affordable housing is out of reach, or income has been lost due to illness or having to flee an unsafe situation. Often, experiences of trauma, especially in early childhood, leave a lasting impact on a person’s mental and physical health. Regardless of what led a person to the DI, our goal is to make their time with us as brief as possible. Experiencing homelessness and lacking the basic necessities of life leads to disproportionally high rates of health issues, like substance use. As the drug crisis continues to escalate, additional supports are now available at the DI including a drug poisoning response program and detox and recovery transition programs, which together provide new pathways to treatment, recovery and ultimately housing. Our Vision: A community where everyone can find their home.