Toronto, Ontario, M5C 2X3 Canada

Mission Statement

Fred Victor’s Mission – to improve the health, income and housing stability of people experiencing poverty and homelessness

About This Cause

Fred Victor is committed to ending chronic homelessness. This is an ambitious and bold goal but we believe, achievable. Homelessness is a complex problem. Solutions to complex problems are never simple. We must think long term, prevention and transition. Fred Victor began in 1894 as a downtown mission helping the poor and unemployed. Over 125 years later Fred Victor helps thousands people/year experiencing poverty and homelessness find place and purpose across 20 unique sites. We serve people who need help (sometimes lots of it) to heal, reclaim their esteem, rebuild skills and confidence, establish new friendships, secure a safe place to live and paid work. Our services include: • Housing permanent-affordable, supportive and transitional housing for 475 people • Shelters 70-bed shelter & 75 bed respite centre for people (and couples) with pets and a 44-bed Women’s Hostel • Navigation & Connection – ID clinics, Harm Reduction, Justice Program, Court Diversion, Women’s 24H Centre; Art, Gardening, Friends Restaurant • Employment and Training Pathways to Employment, Work Placements • Social Enterprise Friends Catering Company & Women’s Bakery • Health services Shared Care Clinic, Withdrawal Management, Street Health Nursing Clinic

#300 - 36 Lombard St.
Toronto, Ontario M5C 2X3
Phone 4168284374
Unique Identifier 118931377RR0001