Guelph, Ontario, N1C 0A1 Canada

Mission Statement

The Guelph Humane Society provides a number of animal services and educational opportunities, including; adoptions of cats, dogs and other small domestic pets; reuniting lost or stray pets with their owners; by-law enforcement, dog tag licensing and OSPCA investigative services; provide emergency response to stray or wild animal illness or injury calls; Summer Critter Camp; March Break Camp; PA Days; School Visits; Community Visits; Birthday Parties.

About This Cause

Since 1893, the Guelph Humane Society has been providing care and shelter for homeless, stray and abused animals. Each year we serve up to 3,000 animals in need. We provide animal sheltering, surrender, and adoption services, pet identification, and lost pet returns. We also provide regular veterinary care and have a progressive spay/neuter program. We do not receive government funding for the services, existing solely on private funding and public donations. The Guelph Humane Society is a registered charitable organization. The Guelph Humane Society charitable registration number is 119236305RR0001 As an affiliate of the Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (OSPCA) we employ an OSPCA Inspector and Agents to investigate and enforce allegations of cruelty or neglect in Guelph and Wellington County under provincial and federal animal cruelty legislation. We are also a member and strong supporter of the Canadian Federation of Humane Societies. The Guelph Humane Society is contracted by the City of Guelph to provide Animal Control Services to the City. Our staff enforce animal related by-laws, capture and impound stray domestic animals, respond to citizens with animal complaints, provide emergency response to stray or wild animal illness or injury complaints, remove dead animals from the City streets, and manage the licensing of dogs in the City. Our Humane Education Program is one of the largest in North America, visiting schools in Wellington County regularly. Children participate in welfare and animal safety based curriculum delivered by our Humane Education Coordinator. We also offer a weekday Junior Humane Club, a March Break and Summer Camp programs, PA Day's and birthday parties. We deliver our programs with a dedicated staff team with many years of collective experience in the field. We also are lucky to have nearly 300 active volunteers who provide many thousands of hours of volunteer service and donate innumerable skills and ideas to the shelter. The Guelph Humane Society has a strong working relationship with local, provincial and national animal welfare organizations; local school boards, the City of Guelph, local veterinarians, the Ontario Veterinary College Health Sciences Centre at the University of Guelph, Guelph Police Services and the Provincial Crown Attorney’s Office. The current shelter is located at 500 Wellington Street West in Guelph, Ontario and was constructed in 1974. Most urgently, we need to replace our current facility, which we have outgrown. As a result, we are currently working towards a facility that will meet the future needs and expand our impact in the community. The Guelph Humane Society is guided by a dedicated Board of Directors made up of volunteers with a wide range of business experiences. The board holds twelve meetings per year, and participates in 4-5 standing sub-committees each with 3-12 meeting per year. There are several current ad hoc committees also working to address specific issues. Day to day operations of the shelter are directed by the Executive Director and senior staff with the boards’ guidance. Over the next 20 years, there are several trends that will affect how we do business in Guelph, including an increasing and aging population and the increasing role of our city as a bedroom community to Toronto. Under the guidance of our Executive Director and our Board of Directors, this evolution will require ongoing discussions with our collective stakeholders resulting in new strategic plans and initiatives that will allow us to continue to meet our Mission and to continue to deliver innovative programs that meet the needs of our community.

190 Hanlon Creek Blvd Guelph
Guelph, Ontario N1C 0A1
Phone 519-824-3091
Unique Identifier 119236305RR0001