Ottawa, Ontario, K2B 7Z5 Canada

Mission Statement

JFS Ottawa is a multi-service community agency helping individuals and families across generations and cultures to achieve stability, independence, and belonging. Our core service areas include mental health and wellbeing, social supports, and services for seniors, newcomers, and diverse communities. Our work is grounded in Jewish values and we seek to build a community through the pursuit of social justice and inclusion for all.

About This Cause

Dignity, kindness and compassion -- we believe that everyone deserves to be treated this way. For 40+ years JFS Ottawa has used these values to guide us as we serve those who need it most. When we see homelessness, domestic abuse, mental illness, or people living precariously because of unstable incomes we are ready to guide our neighbors from crisis to calm, from anguish to awareness, and from isolation to connection. We work with complex, long-term issues that require on-going investments in time and resources and our supporters trust us to identify the needs of our community and to develop programs that guide people to stability and health. JFS Ottawa supports many of the city’s vulnerable communities through senior support services, settlement and integration, specialized support of Ottawa’s Jewish community, homeless outreach and a broad range of counselling services, through our centrally located clinic and community-based walk-in locations.

300-2255 Carling Avenue
Ottawa, Ontario K2B 7Z5
Phone 6137222225 x325
Twitter @JFSOtt
Unique Identifier 119239358RR0001