United Way of Saskatoon and Area

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, S7K 4A7 Canada

Mission Statement

Improve lives and build community by engaging individuals and mobilizing collective action.

About This Cause

At United Way, we are committed to solving #UNIGNORABLE social and economic issues including income inequality, poverty, racism, education inequality, affordable housing, mental health and access to services in order to create long-term change. Our work is driven by the complex and ever-changing needs of the community and we are constantly evolving and changing to meet those needs. Through acts of local love that include, engaging and mobilizing community dollars, strengthening the network of services and capacity of non-profits, influencing public attitudes, systems and policies and understand and addressing underlying causes if these issues we will positively impact the lives of vulnerable children, youth and their families through three targeted investments areas: · Building strong communities; · Moving people from poverty to possibility and; · Helping kids be all that they can be.

United Way of Saskatoon and Area
100, 506-25Th Street East
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7K 4A7
Phone 306-975-7700
Unique Identifier 119276509RR0001