Edmonton, Alberta, T5K 2V7 Canada

Mission Statement

The Edmonton Community Foundation works with donors and the community to transform individual dreams of helping others into reality, now and forever, through permanent endowment funds. ECF donors seek to build a caring, inclusive community.

About This Cause

The Edmonton Community Foundation connects passionate donors to charitable organizations delivering programs and services that enhance the quality of life in the communities in which we live, learn, work and play. The Foundation invests donor contributions in perpetuity, creating legacies that positively impact our lives in the areas of the arts and culture, health and wellness, community and social services, education and learning, recreation and the environment. Grants are distributed in a way that is flexible, creative and responsive. We respond to the wishes of our donors as well as the needs and opportunities in our community; together we develop strategic priorities towards lasting solutions.

9910 103 St N.w.
Edmonton, Alberta T5K 2V7
Unique Identifier 122437072RR0001