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Mission Statement
To build a better community by organizing the capacity of people to care for one another. United Way envisions communities where everyone works as a team to make sure poverty is temporary, individuals and families live healthy lifestyles and children have the tools they need to reach their full potential
About This Cause
We love where we live, but issues like poverty, mental illness and social isolation are hurting our communities. By showing your local love, you can help us make local issues #UNIGNORABLE. The generosity of donors powers United Way's work in Lethbridge and across South Western Alberta. It allows us to tackle the most persistent local issues that prevent people and families from getting ahead. When you show your local love for community, you're helping to create pathways out of poverty so that everyone can thrive. Donations to United Way of Lethbridge & South Western Alberta always stay local and help real people, right here. Programs funded by United Way help thousands of people and families each year. Thank you for showing your local love with a gift to United Way today!