The Canadian Centre to End Human Trafficking / Le Centre Canadien Pour Mettre fin à la Traite des Personnes

Toronto, Ontario, M5R3V5 Canada

Mission Statement

To end human trafficking for the purpose of sexual and labour exploitation in Canada by providing strength and support to stakeholders. We will do this through collective action, by creating opportunities to connect and learn from each other and by building capacity, on all levels, to end this abhorrent crime in Canada.

About This Cause

Human trafficking in Canada is occurring at shocking levels. It is a low-risk, high-reward manipulative crime that demands sophisticated, coordinated and integrated solutions. Established in 2016, The Canadian Centre to End Human Trafficking (The Centre) was created to demand a national strategy for change by collaborating with various stakeholder – including all levels of government, private sector organizations and front-line service providers – in order to advance best practices and to best serve victims and survivors of this crime.

The Canadian Centre to End Human Trafficking / Le Centre Canadien Pour Mettre fin à la Traite des Personnes
253 - 110 Cumberland Street
Toronto, Ontario M5R3V5
Unique Identifier 768821498RR0001