Book Clubs for Inmates Inc./ Circles de livres pour detenues inc.

TORONTO, Ontario, M5S 2R4 Canada

Mission Statement

We help inmates in penitentiaries develop a love of reading; improve their literacy, listening, and verbal communication skills; and expose them to heroes and heroines whom they can emulate. The book clubs offer inmates hope and encouragement for a life beyond prison and crime.

About This Cause

Each book club is comprised of 10 – 18 men or women who sign up to participate. Most clubs meet once a month to discuss a work of literary merit. The meetings are led by two or three volunteers from the community. One book is discussed at each meeting, with the leaders encouraging all participants to engage in the discussion. Discussions are often wide-ranging, covering everything from the characters, ethical choices, life situations and how these relate to the inmates’ lives. A volunteer committee recommends books to the inmates. Each book club discusses the recommendations and inmates agree upon the final reading list. Each book club member is permitted to keep the books we provide. Currently, we operate 17 book clubs in 14 Canadian federal penitentiaries.

Book Clubs for Inmates Inc./ Circles de livres pour detenues inc.
Centre For Social Innovation 720 Bathurst St.
TORONTO, Ontario M5S 2R4
Unique Identifier 804170009RR0001