Veterans Transition Network

Vancouver, British Columbia, V6C 1V5 Canada

Mission Statement

Our mission: The Veterans Transition Network offers group counselling designed specifically for Canadian veterans to overcome trauma, improve mental health and well-being, strengthen family life, stabilize employment and aid the transition from soldier to civilian.

About This Cause

The Veterans Transition Network (VTN) is a national non-governmental mental health service provider for Veterans in Canada. Through our charitable program, we help current and former members of the Canadian Forces and RCMP with their transition into civilian life. We do this through the delivery of our 10-day group counselling and skills-development program, the Veterans Transition Program. Our program is the only of its kind in the world, and it has been refined through 22 years of continual research and delivery resulting in first-class care for the men and women who have served Canada. Our organization’s most important objective is ensuring that our programs stay accessible to all Canadian Veterans, in particular, those who do not have government support and are in need of services. We want to ensure that no veteran is left behind. And with your support we can continue that mission. Your donation will help support mental health and transition group counselling for Veterans across Canada - all ages, ranks, service histories, men and women, CAF/RCMP active/retired, French/English. Thank you very much for your consideration and support. In gratitude, Oliver Thorne Executive Director Veterans Transition Network

Veterans Transition Network
622 – 470 Granville Street
Vancouver, British Columbia V6C 1V5
Phone 6045598155
Twitter @VTNCanada
Unique Identifier 817998503RR0001