Believe in the Gold

Calgary, Alberta, T2P3N9 Canada

Mission Statement

Our Mission: Focus on building awareness for childhood cancer, raising funds to help families of children suffering with childhood cancer, and raising funds to support childhood cancer research.

About This Cause

How it Started: Jacey Uphill marked the word “believe” as her own personal mantra believing that she would not only conquer her illness but also make a positive difference in the world. Jacey believed that the Gold Ribbon campaign that represents Childhood Cancer should be more recognizable. “BELIEVE” evolved from a personal mantra to a recognizable logo for all children suffering from cancer. Raw Truth About Childhood Cancer: Childhood cancer does not discriminate; it can happen to anyone. It is the number one disease killer of children in the world. It claims the lives of more children annually than any other disease – more than asthma, muscular dystrophy, multiple sclerosis & AIDS combined. • There are 10,000 children living with cancer in Canada today • About 1 in 5 children who are diagnosed with cancer will die of the disease • Most Childhood Cancers have no known cause

Believe in the Gold
Suite 3900, 350 7 Ave Sw
Calgary, Alberta T2P3N9
Phone 4034728370
Unique Identifier 834651630RR0001