Beautiful World Canada

Toronto, Ontario, M4V 1L5 Canada

Mission Statement

Hope begins with Education: Unlock the power of education. Together, we can change lives. Support Beautiful World Canada's mission to empower female students in Sub-Saharan Africa. Give the gift of education today! We are a Toronto-based organization accomplishing real change in the lives of girls and young women in sub-Saharan Africa. Beautiful World brings higher education and marketable skills to girls facing tremendous hardships. Many of the girls we support have been survived war, faced gender discrimination, and endured extreme poverty. With the chance to go to university and college, they are leading not only themselves, but their families and communities out of generational poverty, becoming the innovative changemakers and decision makers that their country needs.

About This Cause

"Empowering Change through Education, One student at a Time". In sub-Saharan Africa, countless girls have endured lives marked by extreme poverty, where the odds of breaking free from this cycle are overwhelmingly stacked against them. Many are compelled into early marriages or teenage pregnancies. In families with limited resources, the preference is often given to sons when it comes to education. Some girls are left with no choice but to undertake precarious work, exposing themselves to the risk of sexual assault and rape. Others continue the grueling cycle of their parents' labor, toiling in the scorching fields for meager wages, or bearing the responsibilities of household care. For these girls, higher education offers the sole path to break free from the shackles of poverty. Educating girls is the cornerstone of building a brighter future for them, their families, and their communities. With your support and partnership, we can nurture a new generation of leaders who will drive transformation in their communities and nations. Thanks to the unwavering dedication of compassionate Canadians, Beautiful World Canada has already impacted the lives of over 800 young women, enabling them to transcend primary education and pursue high school, vocational training, college, and university. Through scholarships, they have acquired the means to enhance their lives, whether by another semester of schooling, the acquisition of employment skills, or invaluable mentorship. Our students firmly believe that the future of their families and communities hinges on their education, and as they ascend, they aspire to uplift those they love – to become the heroes of their families. With your support, we can turn this aspiration into reality."

Beautiful World Canada
2 St. Clair Street West Suite 1800
Toronto, Ontario M4V 1L5
Phone 647-298-6968
Unique Identifier 842133480RR0001