CALGARY, Alberta, T3A2R5 Canada

Mission Statement

ECSSEN Career School strives to support immigrant newcomers and socially disadvantaged to become productive members of society by providing career development opportunities, social service programs and other community-based support.

About This Cause

-Provide one-on one personalized career guidance and career services by mentors -Host Career-Integrated Practices for youth and job related skills trainings -Provide Bursary and Scholarship to students in the field of law, medicine, sports and Chinese arts, social working, Youth and cultural diversity programs since 2012 Community Services -Re-distribute donated in-kind goods & food on ad-hoc basis to help the people in needs, such as families of children with special needs and low-income seniors, etc. since 2017 -Provide 7-24 service Chinese Emotional Support Hotline to provide emotional support and resource referring since 2021 -Host Christmas celebrations for special needs children/youth with ongoing support and resource information sharing, approximately 50 families participated Other programs: -Fund raising for Fort McMurray fire in 2016, raised a total of $19,174.75 and sent to Red Cross for Alberta Fire Appeal relief.

112 Edgedale Dr Nw
CALGARY, Alberta T3A2R5
Phone 1-403-399-5611
Unique Identifier 859245102RR0001