TORONTO, Ontario, M5T 1S6 Canada

Mission Statement

FYFB’s vision is to restore the dignity and integrity of individuals by reconnecting them with our community. We do this by working with partners who share our vision to: Feed the hungry – provide the basic nutritional requirements to individuals and families in need; Help people get on track – provide counselling, training and advocacy to help people find jobs, safe housing as well as appropriate social/community programs.

About This Cause

FYFB was founded in February 1998 as an agency of the Daily Bread Food Bank Foundation of Toronto. We were established as a not for profit corporation in May 1999 and registered as a charity in September 1998. We are governed by a voluntary Board of Directors elected by our membership at our AGM. Since our inception we have emphasized fiscal discipline, responsibility and accountability to our stakeholders. Financial contributions to FYFB go towards serving our clients through program delivery. We provide an integrated set of services to assist our clients in a holistic manner, briefly described as follows. • Our Food Program provides a three-day supply of groceries, consistent with the Canada Food Guide, to low income individuals and families within our community. • Our Information & Support program prevents homelessness and eliminates hunger by assisting our clients to resolve the underlying issues affecting them. • Our Community Drop-In Centre delivers a range of personal services in a safe/supportive environment including meals through a community kitchen, internet/computer access along with clothing and books. • Our Community Vitality program helps engage our client base with the broader community through economic development initiatives, workshops, volunteering and special events. Our clients live in extreme poverty in the downtown Toronto area. We assist a diverse group comprised of various family sizes and ethno-cultural communities who survive on an average of approximately $3 per day after occupancy related expenses. FYFB provides the integrated set of services they require to reintegrate with our community.

380 College
TORONTO, Ontario M5T 1S6
Phone (416) 203-3011
Twitter @fyfoodbank
Unique Identifier 867147464RR0001