Vancouver, British Columbia, V6A 1C3 Canada

Mission Statement

The mission of WISH is to improve the health, safety and well-being of women who are involved in Vancouver’s street-based sex trade. Our vision is for every woman to have access to opportunities to make free, healthy, and positive choices.

About This Cause

WISH puts its mission into action by operating an overnight drop-in centre in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside, where women can meet their basic needs (food, clothing, nursing care, personal items), receive individualized support and participate in programs that engage their spirits, hearts and minds. These programs include mobile street outreach (through the MAP Van), Aboriginal cultural programming, supportive employment programming, music therapy and a transition program for sex workers wanting to reduce their reliance on sex work and/or to transition, retire, or exit the sex industry. WISH operates an on-site nursing clinic, and a learning centre staffed with instructors from WISH and Capilano University. The WISH Drop-In Centre is a (self-identified) women-only space. WISH is a registered charity (CRN: 870475563RR001) that is governed by a volunteer board of directors that includes community members. We rely on the generosity of our wonderful donor and volunteers, and receive support from individuals, community groups, corporations, service clubs, public and private foundations, as well as all three levels of government.

334 Alexander Street
Vancouver, British Columbia V6A 1C3
Phone 604-669-9474
Unique Identifier 870475563RR0001