Canadian Council of Provincial and Territorial Sport Federations Inc - Ontario Chapter

Toronto, Ontario, M4A 1B3 Canada

Mission Statement

SPORT4ONTARIO provides the collaborative environment, knowledge and resources to build capacity and drive leadership excellence in the Ontario sport community through education, advocacy, interaction, research and innovation. SPORT4ONTARIO creates member value and benefits that contribute to a stronger sport community for all Ontarians.

About This Cause

National Sport Trust Fund-Ontario As a member of the Canadian Council of Provincial & Territorial Sport Federations (CCP&TSF), The Provincial Sport Organizations Council (operating as SPORT4ONTARIO) is pleased to be a partner in the National Sport Trust Fund (NSTF) initiative. This initiative will permit PSO/MSO's and their members to establish revenue generation programs for which a charitable tax receipt can be provided for qualifying donations. The CCP&TSF, is recognized by the Canadian Revenue Agency - Charities Division under the other qualified donees category as a Registered Canadian Amateur Athletics Association (RCAAA). As a member of the CCP&TSF, SPORT4ONTARIO has been authorized to act as the Ontario Branch of the NSTF and to act as the provincial fund manager for all donations made to amateur sport in Ontario. Donations will be made to the National Sport Trust Fund - Ontario (NSTF-Ontario) and then directed to the individual organizations on a quarterly basis

Canadian Council of Provincial and Territorial Sport Federations Inc - Ontario Chapter
101-100 Sunrise Avenue
Toronto, Ontario M4A 1B3
Unique Identifier 889386868RR0001-ON