Federation Of Public Health Student Associations
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About This Cause
臺灣公衛學生聯合會,是由全台灣大專院校的公衛學生共同發起的公益團體 臺灣公衛學生聯合會,於2021年正式設立登記為社團法人,橫跨全台10所以上公共衛生相關系所,旨在凝聚全臺公衛學生力量,促進公衛學生交流互相學習,過去曾推動WHA全球衛生外交高峰會,也關注如COP28等環境氣候變遷議題。並與世界公衛學會聯盟、公共衛生師公會、公衛學會及醫藥衛生學生團體有緊密合作關係,長期推動著群體健康議題,如疾病衛教、環境永續、愛滋防治等。 The Federation of Public Health Student Associations in Taiwan (FPHSA-Taiwan) is a prominent national, non-governmental organization comprising various public health students' associations. Our mission is to inspire and empower generations of public health students by fostering leadership abilities and equipping them with essential skills to tackle challenges during a critical phase of their careers. FPHSA-Taiwan collaborates closely with the Taiwan Public Health Association to advance the field of public health. Together, we work towards the promotion of pro-health policies, strategies, and best practices, not only for Taiwan but also as a contribution to global public health initiatives. By facilitating partnerships and advocating for evidence-based approaches, FPHSA-Taiwan plays a pivotal role in shaping the future of public health in Taiwan and beyond. Homepage: https://fphsa.org.tw/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/fphsatw/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FPHSATW Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fphsatw/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@FPHSATW