Child Welfare League Foundation R.O.C.

Taipei, Taipei City, 10351 Taiwan

Mission Statement

The Child Welfare League Foundation is a non-profit organization devoted to child welfare, both in the fields of direct and indirect services. In order to advocate for children’s rights and raise awareness of child welfare issues, we work on improving legislation, coordinating a network of related child welfare agencies and organizations, as well as monitoring the government’s child welfare system and policies, so as to create a better environment for our children.

About This Cause

Provided direct services include: - Missing Children Search Missing children has long been a social problem in Taiwan. Children become missing due to kidnappings, child trafficking and most recently the increasing rates of teens running away from home. -Adoptee Services CWLF, the first legal professional adoption agency in Taiwan, has been providing adoption services since 1992. In addition to helping parents who wish to adopt children, adoption services aim to stop the illegal adoption and trafficking of children through the black market. -Children's Hotline CWLF’s research findings 1999 demonstrate that nowadays children are facing increasing stress and pressure in their daily lives, and that more than 50% of them tend to keep this a secret. Children may be scared to talk to the parents, friends or family members, especially when dealing with personal problems or issues of abuse. The Children’s Hotline is therefore an outlet for children to call in and share their thoughts and feelings freely and safely. -High-Risk Family Service High-Risk families are those encounter great difficulties while lack of proper support and sufficient resources to deal with crisis. Only if these families are reached and provided by adequate assistance, could we prevent the occurrence of child maltreatment. Therefore, CWLF makes plans with these High-Risk Families and provides resources to them in order to enhance their family capabilities. -Family Mediation With the increasing rate of divorce, there are more and more families suffering the struggles of child custody, parental visits, and other parenting issues. CWLF provides the service of family mediation to encourage couples who are in the process of divorce or separation to have a positive relationship and help them sort out these difficult issues. It also assures the well-being of the children.

Child Welfare League Foundation R.O.C.
6Th Floor, No. 43 West Chang'an
Taipei, Taipei City 10351
Phone +886-2-27990333 #662
Unique Identifier B_5HLPKG9QBM