ジャパンハート | Japan Heart

Tokyo, Tokyo, 111-0042 Japan

Mission Statement

Japan Heart was founded in 2004 as a volunteer-based international health care organization. Japan Heart initially began offering services in Myanmar, and has since expanded into Cambodia. Many medical professionals - particularly doctors and nurses - and volunteers are sent from Japan Heart to engage in health care activities in these countries.

About This Cause

Japan Heart was founded in 2004 as a volunteer-based international health care organization. Dr. Hideto Yoshioka, the President, launched Japan Heart after treating patients abroad for years and realizing the need for improved health care services. Japan Heart initially began offering services in Myanmar, and has since expanded into Cambodia. Many medical professionals - particularly doctors and nurses - and volunteers are sent from Japan Heart to engage in health care activities in these countries. In addition to medical intervention, the diverse operations include: providing hygiene care, training local health care professionals, improving elementary and middle school infirmaries, running a facility to protect orphaned children from natural disasters as well as AIDS and other diseases, and training the visually impaired for social independence. Domestically, Japan Heart dispatches nurses and other health care professionals to remote rural areas or isolated islands in Japan, where the shortage of medical personnel hinders the residents from accessing quality health care services. Japan Heart also manages the "Smile -Smile" operation in Japan and abroad to grant heartfelt wishes to children who are battling cancer and to provide opportunities for them to go on family vacations accompanied by medical personnel. All of these initiatives are driven by our mission: to reassure bright futures to people who were deprived of them. Japan Heart is committed to connect more Japanese medical professionals to people abroad and to providing health care services to those who need them most, regardless of where they live. If patients are suffering, we will reach out to their hearts to give hope and strength. Our goal is to contribute to community development in Japan and abroad through health care and education. To reach our goal, we are committed to the following initiatives: 1,Dispatch health care professionals abroad. 2,Invite overseas health care professionals to Japan for training. 3,Deliver health care services abroad without compensation. 4,Provide educational assistance to people abroad. 5,Promote health care awareness in Japan and abroad. 6,Support health care in remote rural areas and on isolated islands in Japan. 7,Provide comfort services for gravely sick patients in Japan and abroad. 8,Engage in any other activities to make the goal achievable. "Providing health care to areas where it is currently out of reach, wherever that may be." This is the mission that Dr. Yoshioka and his team of Japan Heart arrived at after treating patients domestically and abroad for many years: it was shaped from their own experiences, not from theories in books. As Japan Heart, we are committed to provide services not only overseas but also to remote rural areas and isolated islands within Japan. We will ease the hearts of gravely sick children and patients. We are determined to help them all. True to the spirit of volunteerism, Japan Heart staff works diligently and willingly for 1-2 years without any salary or other compensation.

ジャパンハート | Japan Heart
1510 Building 3 Fl,1-5-10 Kotobuki, Taito-Ku
Tokyo, Tokyo 111-0042
Unique Identifier BSV_2KC0V9TEF5