Fundatia Filantropica Metropolis
București, București, 060646 Romania
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Mission Statement
Metropolis Philanthropic Foundation has a tradition of more than 15 years in child protection services, ranging from preventing abandonment to social insertion of the institutionalized child. Also, in the past year we're focusing our efforts towards the Romanian healthcare system, aiming to renovate public hospitals and bring them to the XXI century.
About This Cause
Metropolis Philanthropic Foundation has a tradition of more than 15 years in child protection services, ranging from preventing abandonment to social insertion of the institutionalized child. Also, in the past year we're focusing our efforts towards the Romanian healthcare system, aiming to renovate public hospitals and bring them to the XXI century.
Fundatia Filantropica Metropolis
Drumul Săbăreni, Nr. 47-53
București 060646
Phone +40730012644
Unique Identifier