London, England, SE11 4AS United Kingdom

Mission Statement

We are the only UK charity working at a national and international scale to improve lives by planting trees in cities. We get stuck in with local communities to cultivate lasting change in their neighbourhoods – whether it’s revitalising forgotten spaces, creating healthier environments or getting people excited about growing, foraging and eating healthy food. To date, our dedicated volunteers have planted over 1,000,000 trees in cities up and down the UK, and around the globe. This year, we’ve engaged 15,000 people, including 4,000 volunteers and community members, more than 3,000 corporate volunteers and 11,000 school kids. From planting almost 73,000 trees this year to getting excited about fruit and vegetables, they’ve all been part of making cities greener.

About This Cause

We are an independent charity based in London and deliver projects in cities all over the UK and internationally. We were set up to plant more trees in cities, because of the huge impact they have on our mental and physical health, and that of our environment. We’ve planted over 1,000,000 to date, cleaning and cooling our air, increasing canopy cover, and giving people up and down the UK and across the globe access to revived green spaces. Trees are for everyone, so we make sure people from all backgrounds can make the most of them, over 15,000 in the last year alone. From planting them to harvesting fruit and nuts, to spending more time outside in revived green spaces, communities up and down the UK and across the globe are able to enjoy the benefits of trees. Trees We do what we do because trees clean our air, make us happier, get us outside and dull noise pollution, and so much more. Trees bear fruit, so we also get kids and adults excited about their five a day by creating space to forage, and building Edible Playgrounds, vibrant outdoor teaching gardens.

Trees For Cities Prince Consort Lodge Kennington Park Place, London
London, England SE11 4AS
United Kingdom
Phone 020 7820 4423
Unique Identifier 1032154