LONDON, England, SE1 0LL United Kingdom

Mission Statement

We are a non-politically aligned, independent charity, working to improve life chances for young Londoners from low-income backgrounds. We deliver activities in the fields of wellbeing (food insecurity), skills and employability. We support c. 40,000 young Londoners from low-income background every year, concentrating in areas of high disadvantage. Around 75% of those young people we support are from Black, Asian or minority ethnic backgrounds. We have a fully independent Board of Trustees and raise all our own income. The Mayor of London is our patron.

About This Cause

We bring together the funding and partnerships to feed children at risk of not having access to sufficient nutritious food during the school holidays. Our Kitchen Social and Take & Make programmes support 100 community organisations across London, providing advice, micro-funding, food, educational opportunities, activities and goods in kind. We support numeracy in primary and secondary schools as a prerequisite to accessing a full range of fulfilling careers and as essential skill for life via our Count on Us Primary and Secondary Maths Challenges. We provide training for maths teachers and maths games resources to support the curriculum but with the overriding aim of making maths fun and improving confidence. Each year the programme culminates in a live competition at City Hall. We improve linkages between employers and the education system via our Access Aspiration programme for sixth formers. In 2021/22 we are working with 43 secondary school sixth forms, all located in areas of high deprivation. Just under 4,000 students are registered with the programme which is run to create pathways for young people without the networks, support or advice, to access great careers in London. Creativity Works is our creative industries focused programme which is delivered by two of our partners, A New Direction and Media Trust. The programme works directly with corporate supporters who help us deliver masterclasses and training to 17-24 year olds who are not currently in education, training or employment.

169 Union Street London 110 The Queens Walk, London
LONDON, England SE1 0LL
United Kingdom
Phone +44 (0) 20 7983 4051
Twitter @mayorsfund
Unique Identifier 1124833