LONDON, England, E4 7DT United Kingdom

Mission Statement

Legasee is a charity working with veterans to advance the education of the public in the effects of military activity and to promote the conservation of records of veterans who have been involved in military conflict. We achieve this by capturing these experiences and observations on hi-definition video for future generations, and by developing projects that educate teachers, students and the general public. We are accountable for the funds we use, cost- effective in carrying out our purpose, caring, respectful and professional in the way we work and transparent in all our activities

About This Cause

Legacy - leg·a·cy [leg-uh-see] noun, plural leg·a·cies. 1. Anything handed down from the past, as from an ancestor or predecessor: the legacy of Britain. 2. Law. a gift of property, especially personal property, as money, by will; a bequest. When you write or update your Will, please think of the work we do at Legasee.

13 Mornington Road London
LONDON, England E4 7DT
United Kingdom
Phone 07881814707
Unique Identifier 1145354