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Mission Statement
The Nashua Soup Kitchen & Shelter is dedicated to providing shelter and food to those in need. The overall objective of the agency is to advocate, create and operate programs and services that promote dignity and self-sufficiency for those we serve. To ensure that basic needs are addressed, the NSK&S is committed to joining with others in a community-wide ethic of caring.
About This Cause
The Nashua Soup Kitchen & Shelter is dedicated to providing shelter and food to those in need. The overall objective of the agency is to advocate, create and operate programs and services that promote dignity and self-sufficiency for those we serve. To ensure that basic needs are addressed, the NSK&S is committed to joining with others in a community-wide ethic of caring. Agency Services: * meals served in the soup kitchen * food pantry * emergency shelter for homeless individuals & families * diapers & personal hygiene products; household items * employment advocacy * Hispanic advocacy * education and public policy efforts * social work assistance * limited financial assistance to prevent homelessness * working with local, state, national groups to prevent homelessness WHAT WE DO Advocacy - Our staff works with individuals to advocate for them related to services they need in the community. Both staff and volunteers also work to address the systemic causes of hunger and political systems that determine public policy and community attitudes. Emergency Shelter - Two homeless shelters house single men, women and families. Originally opened as short-term emergency shelters, the affordable housing shortage often means that shelter residents stay for months until they are able to find a permanent place to live. Employment/Education Program - These programs assist people seeking employment with valuable support such as resume writing, interviewing skills and use and understanding of voice mail. Our education program has funds to allow people to go back to school to prevent homelessness. NSK&S distributes items such as working computers and new workboots for people in school or starting new jobs. We often have bicycles and bus tickets for people who need help with transportation to interviews, work or school. Food Pantry - Approximately 300 individuals and families receive non-perishable food each week. Many of these people are the working poor, elderly and disabled living on fixed income. People are eligible for food bags every 4 weeks. Household Items - We accept small household items, especially for guests transitioning out of our shelters into their own places. We accept dishes, silverware, pots & pans, toasters, coffee makers, towels, sheets, blankets, comforters and kitchen gadgets like spatulas, can openers, cookie sheets and pot holders. Hispanic Advocacy - The NSK&S Hispanic advocate assures that the Hispanic population has equal access to our services. Case management, translation and support are offered to the many Spanish-speaking members of our community. Meals - Our Soup Kitchen serves breakfast Monday-Friday. Dinner is served seven days a week. NSK&S averages 1,700 meals each week. Perishable Food - We open our doors six times each week to people in need for fresh produce, bread, bakery and deli items. People can come 3-4 times a week for their needs. Local grocers and farms donate all these foods. Personal Care Supplies - Items such as toilet paper, shampoo, soap, toothpaste, deodorant, and razors are available once a month to families and individuals. We also supply diapers and wipes. None of these items can be purchased with food stamps. Rent and Fuel Assistance - We have a limited amount of funds available for rent assistance to prevent homelessness and to help prevent utilities or heat from being turned off. Funds given are considered a loan, which can be repaid over time. Community support is critical to the NSK&S. Over 90% of the funds for helping those in need come from private contributions. We are grateful for your support.