Big Brothers Big Sisters of Eastern Massachusetts, Inc.

Boston, Massachusetts, 02110 United States

Mission Statement

We’re on a mission to help children in under-resourced families thrive by providing transformational, one-to-one relationships with caring adult mentors. With your support, these friendships will enrich the lives of over 4,000 kids in Massachusetts Bay communities this year.

About This Cause

For more than 60 years, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Massachusetts Bay has worked to ensure that every child has the support from caring adults that they need for healthy development and success in life. Big Brothers Big Sisters of Massachusetts Bay makes meaningful, monitored matches between adult volunteers ("Bigs") and children ("Littles"), ages 7 through high school graduation, in communities across Massachusetts Bay. We develop positive relationships that have a direct and lasting effect on the lives of young people.

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Eastern Massachusetts, Inc.
184 High Street 3Rd Floor
Boston, Massachusetts 02110
United States
Phone 6179560223
Twitter @emassbigs
Unique Identifier 042074462