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Mission Statement
My Brother's Table has operated since October 1982. We serve 365 days a year, two meals a day, in our cafeteria. Additionally we provide meals to our community partners: seniors living in subsidized housing, homebound individuals (or households with a homebound head of household) who are too young for Meals on Wheels, and low-income families participating in a reading/literacy program. We also provide a free episodic medical clinic once a week and a free weekly art therapy program. In calendar year 2015, we provided 146,941 free meals to our community. We have accomplished this by the efforts of over 2,500 volunteers a year and entirely through private funds.
About This Cause
My Brother's Table has provided free meals to our community for over 33 years. We have accomplished this by the efforts of over 2,500 volunteers a year and entirely through private funds. The Table does not seek nor accept government funds or United Way funds in order to provide hospitality to as many guests as possible with as little bureaucracy as possible. My Brother's Table has operated since October 1982. We serve 365 days a year, two meals a day in our cafeteria. Additionally, we provide meals to our community partners: seniors living in subsidized housing, homebound individuals (or households with a homebound head of household) who are too young for meals on wheels, and low-income families participating in a reading/literacy program. We also provide a free episodic medical clinic once a week and a free weekly art therapy program. In calendar year 2015, we provided over 145,000 free meals to our community. Our guests reflect the general population of the city. They range in age from infants to over 90 years old. Approximately 2/3 of our guests are disabled, and although almost 30% of our guests work, most are day-laborers with sporadic hours and no benefits. At least half of our regular guests have no access to a kitchen. They are either residents of the local homeless shelter, or they live in local rooming houses where they rent bedrooms, but have nowhere to store or prepare food. In the summer months when we are busiest, our guests include migrant laborers who follow agricultural and landscaping jobs into the northeast. The City of Lynn is populated by more than 97,000 individuals. Over 40 percent are low or very low income families who have a difficult time affording housing and other basic human needs. Over 8.2% of the population is unemployed. Nineteen and four-tenths (19.4) percent of the population live below the poverty level.. One in five people living in the City are considered to be food insecure, meaning that they do not have the resources to guarantee adequate access to proper nutrition. Hunger and poverty continue to exist in Lynn where housing costs consume the majority of the limited incomes of its residents.