WASHINGTON, District of Columbia, 20011 United States

Mission Statement

FAPAC's mission is "to improve the quality of life, well-being, and dignity of children in the District of Columbia by strengthening, supporting, and empowering foster, adoptive, and kinship parents to serve as advocates for their children's needs; and bridge-builders with birth parents; working as an organizational agent of systemic change; and by partnering with other District agencies to provide innovative stabilization services to families at risk."

About This Cause

FAPAC supports foster, kinship, adoptive families, and youth aging out of foster care. Supporting foster parents is essential to ensure the well-being of vulnerable children in the foster care system. Foster parents are dedicated individuals who open their hearts and homes to children in need, often facing unique challenges in nurturing and stabilizing their lives. To bolster their efforts, FAPAC provides robust support and advocacy programs for parents fostering children in the DC Child Welfare System. FAPAC provides access to comprehensive training programs that equip foster parents with the necessary skills and resources to address the physical, emotional, and educational needs of the children they care for. Supporting birth parents is a fundamental component in preventing child abuse and neglect. By offering parents access to parent education and additional community resources, FAPAC empowers birth parents to develop the necessary skills and coping mechanisms for effective parenting. By focusing on the support and empowerment of birth parents, we create a more compassionate and proactive approach to preventing child abuse and neglect, ultimately fostering safer and more loving environments for our children to thrive in. Our parenting program trains birth parents using 5 Protective Factors, which include: Parental Resilience, social and emotional competence of children, knowledge of child development, and support systems. Supporting youth aging out of foster care is a vital and compassionate endeavor. As these young individuals transition into adulthood without the safety net of a stable family, they often face numerous challenges, from finding housing and employment to managing their finances and navigating complex healthcare systems. Providing them with the necessary resources, mentorship, and guidance during this critical phase can make a profound difference in their lives. By offering tailored support services, educational opportunities, and emotional support, we empower these youth to build independent and successful futures, breaking the cycle of adversity that they may have experienced throughout their time in foster care. Investing in the well-being of these young adults not only transforms their lives but also contributes to a more inclusive and caring society that values every individual’s potential.

508 Kennedy Street, Nw, Room 303 Attn: Toni Carr
WASHINGTON, District of Columbia 20011
United States
Phone 202-269-9441
Unique Identifier 043812274