HOUSTON, Texas, 77259-0936 United States

Mission Statement

To provide the orphaned, the poor children and the disadvantaged of Vietnam and other countries in Southeast Asia an improved quality of live and a better future through MOL’s educational support, gift, love and kindness.

About This Cause

Approximately 1.5 million children in Vietnam are orphaned. Many live on the streets or in small orphanages throughout the country. These children have limited to no access to sanitary living conditions and as a result, many suffer illnesses not only physically but impair mentally. Many suffer from hunger and they lack the familial stability and love that many of us are so fortunate to have. Many poor children cannot go to school or are at risk of loosing their education because of a death of a parent or both, parent’s loss of employment, or parents became disable and cannot afford school tuition and fees. MOL believes that all children deserve to be nurtured physically and emotionally, to have an education, and most importantly, to know that there is someone who cares for them. MOL believes that children who grow up unloved and abandoned will often experience low self-esteem and emotional insecurity, which could adversely affect their futures. MOL strives to make a positive impact on these children’s life by nurturing and giving them an opportunity to grow and develop into successful and well-rounded person. Their future will be improved because they have been physically and emotionally nurtured. They will grow up confident and emotionally secured, and will be more likely to treat others with kindness. Armed with an education, they will be able to become successful and contribute to society and help others as they have been helped. GOALS: MOL’s goals are multi-faceted and are accomplished through our programs and services. 1) To build a successful future for the orphans and poor children via physical, educational and emotional support, preventing them from a life on the street, from being exploited, used for child labor, or sold into prostitution ring. 2) To develop the orphans and children that we sponsor into successful, well-rounded and healthy children who will be contributing to society and to others. 3) To provide an improved quality of live to the disadvantaged children and their families through yearly flood relief, Holiday care package giving, home building and providing clean water system. 4) To promote the mind and heart of loving kindness for MOL’s members and to provide MOL youths with the opportunities to contribute, volunteer and make a difference in the lives of others. THOSE WE SERVE: MOL identified three main segments of population which receive MOL’s support: a) Orphaned children in orphanage: These children lack access to essential health services, are malnourished, and often experience mental and physical health problems. They have no hope of a bright future and have no one to love. By giving them the love and nurturing they need, we give them hope and an opportunity for a better future. b) Poor students who experience financial hardship such as loss of a parent or parent’s unemployment/illness: In countries like Vietnam where a basic education costs money, many children whose family circumstances have created financial hardships would risk loosing their education due to inability to pay for tuition and fees. These students are at risk of not being able to complete their schooling. Without a proper education, they are at risk of being exploited, used for child labor, ended up on the street, or worse, sold into prostitution ring. By providing need-based scholarship to pay for tuition, school fees, uniform, school lunches and provide after school English/Computer skill training, MOL provides the opportunity for these students to stay in school, plus equipping them with the skill they need to ensure a successful future. This also encourages the family to keep the children in school and prevent them from having to drop out of school and work to support the family. c) Poor leper & disadvantaged ethnic children: There are many leper families in Vietnam who are homeless or live in unsanitary, unsafe and run down living quarter. These people are out-casted by society. Some have legs and arms that have been amputated because of the disease. They and their children live on the streets in leper colonies in the mountains and often beg for food. These ethnic children often walk for miles to get water from the mountain creeks on slippery roads. Currently, the local government does not have any programs to help these families with shelters or food. MOL provides yearly relief through the Holiday care package program and provides safe living and clean shelter via the home building and clean water systems for these villages. PROGRAMS & SERVICES: MOL’s approach is a well-rounded approach, where we try to meet all of the children’s needs: physical, emotional, spiritual, and educational needs. We do this through the various program and services, which are carefully designed and implemented to meet these needs. MOL offers nutritious food, clothing, clean water, safe shelter, educational assistance, after school learning, and spiritually uplifting gifts at holiday times. We not only strive to better the lives of orphaned children but also the lives of other poor children who are at risk of not being able to continue their education. These programs and services goals are made possible through incredible volunteers who share the same passion and hope for bettering the future of those less fortunate. Educational Support: Scholarship for a Poor Student: In countries like Vietnam where a basic education costs money, many children whose family circumstances have created financial hardships would risk loosing their education due to inability to pay for tuition and fees. Without a proper education, these children are at risk of being exploited, used for child labor, ended up on the street, or worse, sold into prostitution ring. MOL seeks out these poor students and provides need-based scholarships to pay for tuition, lunch food and uniforms. To ensure that they will excel, additional skill training for after school and summer break opportunities are also provided via MOL’s Computer/English learning centers. Once a student is accepted into our program, MOL commits to help them through college. A condition for receiving the scholarship is that the students are to volunteer their time to help other poor students with after school tutoring and volunteer in community projects during their summer break. Also, once completed college and able financially, the student are expected to help at least one poor student to go to school. Equipped with the education they need for a better future and the training for giving back, these children will be able to become productive citizen of society and the effect will be multiplied. Invest in a Child: MOL seeks out the few orphans and poor students who are highly motivated with high potential to succeed. We nurture and educate them into productive self-sufficient young adults by giving them the best possible education. We send them to the best school and provide an optimal environment to excel. We provide scholarships to pay for tuition, boarding, and food cost. Once a student is accepted into our program, we follow their progress closely through college. For those who have the potential, we provide them with opportunity to attend university in the USA. This will give them an advantage for a successful career when they return to their home country. Computer Technology and English Training: Computer and English speaking skills are vital for competing in the workforce and pursuing a higher education. Orphans and poor children often do not have access to education in these areas. MOL is setting up computer learning centers furnished with laptops and books, and volunteer teachers to provide after school education in computers and English. Computer center at Phu Loc, Hue had already been established. St. Joseph orphanage will be the first in summer of 2015. New centers will be added each year. Physical and Emotional Support: Holiday Care Package: For orphans in orphanages and poor children living in rural villages in mountains, MOL provides Holiday care packages. These packages include daily necessities such as new clothes, hygiene items, toiletries, food, as well as a small toy and sweets for the children. They are designed to provide essential necessities and also holiday fun items. They are delivered by “Santa” to make the children feel special, and with a holiday spirit to make the children know God’s love for them. Orphan Sponsorship: To give a child a relationship and someone who cares and loves them, donors can choose a child to sponsor. Donors often interact with their child through letters or email and support their basic needs such as food, clothing, education as well as occasionally sending special gifts. This enables a more personal relationship with the child. Big Brother Big Sister (New program): Headed by MOL’s youth group (MOLY), local high school graduates from the USA volunteer to be pen pals with and teach English to orphans through the internet. This program gives our children an opportunity to open their hearts to other children in need, and the orphans a much needed role model. This program will be implemented starting spring 2016. Safe & Healthy Environment Support: School and Orphanage Renovation: For those schools and orphanages in much needed renovation and village road needing expansion or repair, MOL provides funding to remodel or rebuild the infrastructure and provides a safe environment for the children. Clean Water: Ethnic minority people who live in the mountainous areas live subsistence lives and their needs are often ignored by the rest of society. Their children often walk for miles on dangerous dirt roads to get water from mountain springs. MOL provides funding to build cement road, water retention systems and supporting facilities that allow people to gather clean water and wash. New Home: Lepers and their children are out-casted by society; some have lost their arms or legs due to the disease. Many live in rural villages without a home or safe shelters.

Po Box 590936
HOUSTON, Texas 77259-0936
United States
Phone 832-647-7233
Unique Identifier 113730103