Equality Now

Boston, Massachusetts, 02241-1860 United States

Mission Statement

Our mission is to achieve legal and systemic change that addresses violence and discrimination against women and girls around the world.

About This Cause

Equality Now is an international human rights advocacy organization, with offices in New York, Nairobi, and London, committed to ending violence and discrimination against women and girls around the world. It was among the first international organizations to develop advocacy campaigns to protect the fundamental rights of women and girls. At Equality Now we know that the law has historically been used to marginalize, disenfranchise, and oppress and that women and girls have been especially impacted by discriminatory laws that treat them as second-class citizens. But we envision a world where the law is used to promote equality rather than codify misogyny, where constitutions respect human rights rather than embed discrimination, and where the criminal justice system arbitrates with integrity rather than perpetuates harmful gender and racial stereotypes.

Equality Now
P.o. Box 411860
Boston, Massachusetts 02241-1860
United States
Phone 2125860906
Twitter @equalitynow
Unique Identifier 133660566