RPM Foundation

Tacoma, Washington, 98421-1200 United States

Mission Statement

The RPM Foundation works to safeguard the critical skills necessary to restore and preserve collector vehicles by supporting hands-on training and engaging the next generation of craftsmen and women.

About This Cause

The RPM Foundation is dedicated to preserving the skills necessary for vehicle restoration and preservation through providing grant funding (scholarships, internship stipends, project/program funding), programs (apprenticeships, shop tours, vintage race days), and services (resume assistance, interview skills, job placement). As America’s educational system increasingly emphasizes college prep curricula and neglects the applied arts, crafts and trades, the value of working with one’s hands continues to erode. Young people are steered away from careers in the manual arts and are encouraged to enter fields that are perceived as more prestigious. Little attention is given to the fact that rewarding careers continue to be enjoyed by countless professionals working in the restoration, preservation and maintenance of vintage vehicles—autos, trucks, motorcycles, wooden boats, even planes. Collectors rely on skilled craftspeople to maintain, restore, and preserve the vehicles we see as more than just means for transportation. They’re a means for expressing our individuality, an avenue of escape from the everyday grind, an important component of our heritage as a people. Vehicles are a testament to our creativity, innovation, and drive. Those who share this belief also share a critical concern: who will care for the vehicles we consider to be a part of our culture 20, 50, 100 years from now? The current skilled-trades shortage has impacted the vehicle restoration and preservation industry particularly badly. Talk to any restoration shop owner, and they’ll tell you of the difficulties involved in finding skilled help, entry level labor, and most importantly the next generation to whom they can pass the torch. This concern, and the need for action, gave birth to the RPM Foundation over 15 years ago. Its name short for “Restoration, Preservation, and Mentorship,” RPM has awarded over $3.5 million to programs that provide a pathway to careers in restoration and people pursuing those careers. We’ve received and evaluated hundreds of grant applications, awarding over 350 grants to deserving organizations in 35 states. And we’ve impacted over 27,000 students through our grant funding and programs. But grants are just the beginning. The RPM Foundation works to safeguard the critical skills necessary to restore and preserve collector vehicles through programs designed to introduce young people to the possibilities of a career in this industry, and to pass knowledge on from one generation to the next. We conduct industry research to cast light on career opportunities, pay scale, necessary skillsets, and more. And we provide career services to young people who are preparing to enter the workforce. RPM is leading the charge to ensure the skills needed to support our hobby not only remain, but grow – infusing the current and future generations of technicians with the tools necessary to succeed in vibrant careers in this niche automotive space. By doing this, not only are we ensuring our collective hobby remains strong, but we’re inspiring and energizing new enthusiasts every day.

RPM Foundation
2702 E D St
Tacoma, Washington 98421-1200
United States
Phone 855-537-4579
Unique Identifier 202102643