BELLEVUE, Washington, 98006-1040 United States

Mission Statement

We support music education in Washington through grant requests from the music teachers themselves. We help provide what state funding does not.

About This Cause

Music Aid Northwest is a volunteer organization that raises funds for music education in Washington. With such minimal expenses, over 98% of all funds are donated directly to music programs. We raise money through the sale of our Washington State, Music Matters specialty license plate as well as our annual Gala, Play it Forward. We have donated over $1,500,000 to music programs in our brief existence. We partner with WMEA (Washington Music Educators Association) who are the music teachers of Washington. Through a simple grant process, we consider requests of music teachers from struggling programs and then provide augmenting funds to enhance their educational capabilities. Most of our grants are in the $2,000 - $6,000 range so our greatest impact are in the schools that have the least. We have taken schools with very little music at all and helped them achieve a thriving music program. As part of our grant, we ask that the administration to not decrease their budget as a condition of approval. We want to be augmenting funds for music education, we do not want to replace the already inadequate funding that currently exists. We appreciate the opportunity to participate in this matching program and look forward to using these funds to fulfill a desperate need in our educational system. Thanks for your help and sharing our belief that: MUSIC MATTERS!

68 Skagit Key
BELLEVUE, Washington 98006-1040
United States
Phone 425-681-4448
Unique Identifier 202943233