PHILADELPHIA, Pennsylvania, 19107 United States

Mission Statement

Medical Students for Choice, along with our network of over 10,000 medical students and residents, is dedicated to ensuring that women receive the full range of reproductive healthcare choices. Today one of the greatest obstacles to safe and legal abortion around the world is the absence of trained providers. Medical schools are simply not addressing the topic; most physicians graduate with little more than circumstantial knowledge of abortion. As medical students and residents, we work to make family planning, including abortion, a part of standard medical education and residency training.

About This Cause

MSFC envisions a world where all physicians are trained to provide and promote access to safe, compassionate abortion care and all people are empowered to make their own reproductive health care decisions, free of stigma, judgment, and barriers. In order to ensure that vision becomes reality, we engage medical students both as individuals and as communities of committed pro-choice activists to change the culture of medical education so that it includes comprehensive education on abortion and contraception. We focus on creating tomorrow’s abortion providers and pro-choice physicians, ultimately ensuring that there will be an adequate physician workforce to provide safe abortions. MSFC expects to make progress toward achieving its mission through these five goals: • Fully integrate abortion and contraception into medical education by cultivating medical student activism. • Fill the gap in abortion and contraception curricula by providing high-quality conferences. • Ensure that abortion training opportunities are available to every medical student and resident or training doctor (in the world). • Connect MSFC to the larger reproductive health, reproductive rights, and reproductive justice movement. • Nurture a vital community of MSFC members and alumni that will actively support access to safe abortion as both providers and pro-choice physicians.

Po Box 40935
PHILADELPHIA, Pennsylvania 19107
United States
Phone 215-625-0800
Twitter @MSFC
Unique Identifier 205263777