CHERRY HILL, New Jersey, 08034 United States

Mission Statement

As a leading resource for the entire MS community, MSAA's free programs include a toll-free Helpline, the distribution of durable medical equipment and cooling vests, MRI assistance, publications, videos, educational programs, and other vital services.

About This Cause

EQUIPMENT DISTRIBUTION: MSAA provides financially challenged individuals with therapeutic and supportive equipment designed to improve the safety, dignity, mobility, and independence of people with MS is provided free of charge. Therapeutic equipment includes wheelchairs, canes, walkers, shower chairs, and more. Supportive equipment includes grab bars, specially made utensils, dressing aids, etc. COOLING: Cooling kits are provided free of charge to financially challenged people with MS to assist in relief from heat and humidity, which research shows can aggravate common MS symptoms. These items, including cooling vests, neck collars, and wrist and ankle wraps, allow people with MS to remain active in the workplace and to participate comfortably in outdoor activities and family events. MRI ACCESS FUND: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a valuable tool for diagnosing multiple sclerosis or tracking its disease progression. Both aspects are critically important to helping people find answers, select a treatment, and monitor disease activity. The MRI Access Fund assists financially challenged individuals who are in need of an MRI to diagnosis MS or track disease progression who cannot afford the exam due to having no insurance or a high insurance deductible. TOLL-FREE HELPLINE: The Helpline directly connects people who are facing challenges from their MS, as well as their loved ones and care partners, to trained consultants. Helpline consultants can provide assistance, advocacy, referrals, or just a friendly ear. They may recommend programs offered by MSAA, as well as other resources such as Social Security programs, transportation services, and pharmaceutical financial assistance programs. MY MS MANAGER: MSAA's mobile phone application, provided free of charge to individuals with multiple sclerosis (MS) or their care partner to manage their disease. This first-of-its kind app for MS offers individuals a convenient and effective tool to track symptoms, list medications and health records, journal disease changes, and send data directly to their doctor. S.E.A.R.C.H: Assists the MS community with learning about different treatment choices. Each letter represents an important topic that must be considered by patients, physicians, and other healthcare and social service professionals. S.E.A.R.C.H. Stands for - S=Safety, E=Effectiveness, A=Access, R=Risks, C=Convenience, H=Health Outcomes (overall wellness and quality of life). MY MSAA COMMUNITY: This free, peer-to-peer online community is a safe, supportive, and friendly place where people can post questions and comments, reply to ongoing conversations, share messaging through social media platforms, and have the option to participate in occasional polling questions about important MS issues. This program gives people living with MS, care partners, and family members a way to connect with others going through the same challenges, as well as to receive valuable and relevant information and support. MS EDUCATIONAL VIDEOS: More than 40 online videos and archived webinars are available on MSAA's website featuring recognized experts in MS. These on-demand programs cover topics such as the latest advances in MS research, disease and symptom management, coping with the emotional and financial challenges, etc., and bring up-to-date expert information that provides knowledge and empowerment right into the privacy and comfort of a person's home. PUBLICATIONS: A wide array of comprehensive and easy-to-read large-type booklets and pamphlets that explain MS, its symptoms and management, and MSAA programs are published and distributed free of charge by MSAA. MSAA's national magazine, The Motivator, provides vital up-to-date information and uplifting stories to the MS community. These publications, also available as online downloads, are key in raising awareness and educating the public about multiple sclerosis. All publications are free of charge. EDUCATIONAL EVENTS: MSAA organizes and sponsors a wide array of free public education and awareness events geared towards individuals with MS and healthcare professionals. These events often feature expert neurologists and healthcare professionals who bring clients the latest information on the advances in MS research, available treatment options, and new techniques to meet the physical, emotional, and social challenges, which arise from living with a chronic illness.

375 Kings Highway North Suite B
CHERRY HILL, New Jersey 08034
United States
Phone (856) 488-4500
Unique Identifier 221912812