Portland, Oregon, 97207 United States

Mission Statement

The Portland Sapporo Sister City Association fosters and promotes friendship and mutual understanding through exchanges and interactions between the people of Portland and Sapporo to build a foundation for a more peaceful and sustainable world.

About This Cause

The sister city relationship between Sapporo, Japan, and Portland, Oregon is one of the longest standing sister city relationships in the US beginning in 1959 and continues with regular, plentiful, and meaningful exchanges that have built an incredibly strong bond of friendship between our two cities. Collaborating with other NPOs and government agencies, Portland-Sapporo Sister City Association fosters and promotes various types of exchanges between the two cities, such as student exchange programs, business promotions and festivals, governmental delegations, and other citizen exchanges.

Po Box 1898
Portland, Oregon 97207
United States
Phone 9718320237
Unique Identifier 237073008