Friends of Tryon Creek

Portland, Oregon, 97219 United States

Mission Statement

The mission of Friends of Tryon Creek, in partnership with Oregon State Parks, is to inspire every community to identify, cultivate or reclaim their relationship with nature in this cherished urban forest. Our vision is that we create an inclusive community connected to this cherished urban forest now and for future generations.

About This Cause

FOTC Programs: Environmental Stewardship: The goal of our stewardship programming is to support Oregon State Parks in the ecological restoration of TCSNA. By 2033, English ivy and other prioritized invasive weeds will be removed from TCSNA to improve habitat in Tryon Creek that will support native fishes, including lamprey, salmon and trout. Environmental Education: FOTC aims to create an interest and enthusiasm for learning and exploration in our forest ecosystem, facilitate experiential learning, resulting in compassion for the natural world, evidence based decision making and action. We achieve these goals by developing and delivering educational programming, in collaboration with Oregon State Parks, to engage children, families and adults. FOTC is taking stock of who we are reaching with our educational programs and who is left out. We are working with community partners to develop shared programs that are relevant and accessible to everyone. WHAT WE ACHIEVE • 4,500 students served annually through Field Trip, After-School and Nature Day Camp programs • 20,000 volunteer hours each year represents a $482,800 value in service • 1/3 of our annual operating budget is made up of many meaningful gifts from our community of individual donors. • 110 acres certified through Backyard Habitat Program at some level within City of Lake Oswego – amplifying the habitat value of our urban forest. • 260 acres of invasive English Ivy removed by volunteers. • 40 years of Nature Day Camps and counting … VOLUNTEERS Volunteers give over 20,000 hours each year to support Friends of Tryon Creek and Oregon State Parks education, outreach and stewardship programs. Whether guiding hikes, pulling ivy, greeting visitors, building forts, or leading school field trips, our volunteer community helps to make Tryon a unique urban forest.

Friends of Tryon Creek
11321 S Terwilliger Blvd
Portland, Oregon 97219
United States
Phone 503-636-4398
Unique Identifier 237079356