PITTSBURGH, Pennsylvania, 15233 United States

Mission Statement

SLB Radio Productions, Inc. (SLB) uses radio and audio to amplify voices of youth—and members of other communities whose stories are often marginalized—to educate, empower, and build community. Our work is based on the principle that all people have the capacity and right to develop their authentic voice and know that their voice matters—that they matter—and that their voice can be used for self-expression, inquiry, and change.

About This Cause

SLB began operations in 1978 with The Saturday Light Brigade, a weekly public radio program delivering a blend of music, puzzles, interviews, and live performances to a multigenerational audience. Programming grew dramatically between 1990 and 2000, as SLB built a strong, loyal audience and earned 10 local and national awards. During this period, SLB began providing off-air youth workshops in audio technology and self-expression. While successful, using a traditional radio station as the location for these workshops limited the ability to deepen learning experiences. With this objective in mind, SLB formed a 501(c)(3) in 2000 and -- with remarkable support from the broadcast industry, foundations, corporations, and individual donors -- opened a $250,000 studio suite in the Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh (CMP) in 2004. Beginning as a volunteer operation with an annual budget of $80,000 (2005), SLB has since grown to a budget of roughly $735,000 (2021). Our flagship radio program airs on six radio stations and five streaming platforms, and we also operate an internet radio station in collaboration with WQED. We currently serve about 8,000 youth directly each year. We also use our skills and resources to develop educational programs that incorporate audio and radio into real-world learning opportunities that keep students deeply engaged as they sharpen academic skills (e.g. speaking, active listening, reading, writing), workforce readiness skills (interviewing, working in teams, meeting deadlines, following a process, sifting through data), technical skills (digital storytelling, editing), and life skills (creative expression, critical thinking, confidence, cooperation, respect for others, curiosity). Throughout our history, we have emphasized developing and retaining a strong and diverse staff, creating innovative service delivery methods, and seeking powerful collaborations.

P.o. Box 100092
PITTSBURGH, Pennsylvania 15233
United States
Phone 412-586-6300
Twitter @slbradio
Unique Identifier 251859072