SAINT PAUL, Minnesota, 55102-4213 United States

Mission Statement

In a nurturing, small school environment, and through the use of an academically accelerated and enriched curriculum, Nova Classical Academy will offer its learners a rigorous, thorough, systematic, challenging K-12 college preparatory education in the classical tradition.

About This Cause

Classical education is language intensive; it is knowledge-centered rather than child-centered; it trains the mind to collect and analyze information and to draw conclusions based on that information; it demands self-discipline and instills virtue (the ability to do what is right despite one’s baser inclinations); it produces intelligent, literate, curious young adults who can read, write, calculate, think, understand, solve problems, and follow through on a wide range of interests. It requires a student to examine moral and ethical issues. A classical education is multi-cultural in the best sense of the word. Because it takes history as its organizing principle, students learn the place of their lives, families, and communities in the broad landscape of human existence and achievement. It imparts the skills and passion for thinking and learning that allow a person to teach herself for the rest of her life. Classical education is systematic and rigorous; it has purpose, goals, and a method to reach those goals.

1455 Victoria Way
SAINT PAUL, Minnesota 55102-4213
United States
Phone 651-209-6320
Unique Identifier 260035570