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Mission Statement
A powerful community of women under 45 with breast cancer Offering emotional and social support, education and critical financial grants.
About This Cause
The Young Women's Breast Cancer Awareness Foundation (YWBCAF) was established in 2005 and became a non profit 501(c)(3) in December 2009. One of the first organizations to address the young breast cancer population. Mission Statement The mission of the YWBCAF is to create an awareness that women under 45 can get breast cancer and then once women have been diagnosed we aim to educate and support them. Awareness and Education As with any woman with breast cancer, early detection is key. Mammograms are typically prescribed at 40 or even later. Due to this lack of screening many younger women are not diagnosed until the disease has progressed decreasing the chance of survival. We aim to create an awareness about breast cancer in younger women. While we use this to raise funds also have a medical speaker to help create an awareness and educate on the recent advancement of treatment in breast cancer. Over the past 15 years we have hosted over 4,800 people at our event and educated them about the fact that young women can get breast cancer. Support Imagine you are diagnosed with breast cancer at 27 years of age. You are not married and haven't considered starting a family. Imagine being diagnosed while on maternity leave with your second child. You have no medical leave left and face months of treatment with no pay and the risk of losing your job. Imagine your diagnosis come in the first trimester of your seventh child. These are a fraction of the ladies we have worked with over the past several years. At the YWBCAF we aim to offer connections to a someone who has tackled breast cancer at a younger age. These connection come in the form of phone calls, coffee/support meeting at Panera or dinners at Houlihans. These women spend so much time at hospitals that we feel it is important to have our meetings outside of that setting. During our bi monthly meeting we discuss managing side effect, doctors, husbands children's fears etc. We also will counsel women over the phone for months to help them through the journey. The emotional needs of younger women are under served. Emotional support is critical to making a full recovery and even more important for those living with the disease. We believe if we can settle the minds of these women we can help the healing process. Where the mind goes the body follows. Since we are a small volunteer based organization we felt it would be beneficial to join forces in the quest to emotionally support these women. In 2010 we committed to fund the Patient navigation Program at Magee Women's Hospital. This service coincides with our mission with a licensed social worker that meets newly diagnosed patients. We provide financial grants to younger women struggling with the challenges of breast cancer diagnosis. These grants are a life preserver for these women undergoing treatment and beyond.