WASHINGTON, District of Columbia, 20056-3125 United States

Mission Statement

Lacrosse the Nations (LtN) unifies the lacrosse community to sustainably improve education and health while creating opportunity and hope for youth across the world.

About This Cause

LtN uses the lacrosse field as a platform to teach students valuable life skills and promote education, while ultimately bringing joy to their lives. Our programs in Nicaragua, Panama and stateside are opportunities to use the power and unity of a game we love to humbly serve others. In addition to our after-school lacrosse programs, we offer academic scholarships, tutoring support and coaching opportunities to youth and young adults in Nicaragua and Panama. LtN also facilitates service learning trips for US lacrosse players to provide lacrosse teams or school groups the opportunity to visit us on the ground and get involved directly in our programs. A visit to our international programs is the best way to see the power our sport has to do some serious good. It’s also an opportunity to be immersed in a new culture and see the world through a new lens.

Po Box 73125
WASHINGTON, District of Columbia 20056-3125
United States
Phone 2025034711
Unique Identifier 270604097