PORTLAND, Oregon, 97232 United States

Mission Statement

Our desire is to be a movement of Jesus that brings about a personal, spiritual, and cultural awakening in the city of Portland. We hope to do this through people who love and follow Jesus and who help others to do the same. We believe this can be accomplished only by the empowerment of the Holy Spirit as we live out the pillars that uniquely define our community.

About This Cause

REFUGEE CARE COLLECTIVE Seeing refugees successfully transition from their crisis-centric reality to a thriving new life in Portland. Refugees are proven victims of persecution that have been forced to flee their home country in search of hope and a safe place to live. They’re unable to return home because they’re at risk for persecution due to race, nationality, race, or membership in a political social group or political opinion. Portland, Oregon will receive around 1,800 of the world’s refugees this year. Refugee Care Collective (RCC) equips those refugees to adapt to life within their first year of entry through partnership with resettlement agencies and uniting, equipping, and mobilizing the church and city of Portland. The word “collective” is essentially a pool of people with different skills that are coordinated around a task, mission, or cause. Refugee Care Collective harnesses that, bringing individuals, agencies, businesses, churches, families, non-profits, and community groups together to make the greatest impact and accomplish something that’s bigger than what could be done apart.

1631 Ne Broadway St, Ste 614
PORTLAND, Oregon 97232
United States
Phone 5033100047
Unique Identifier 270635477