Tandem, Partners in Early Learning

San Francisco, California, 94124 United States

Mission Statement

Our mission is to co-create equitable, high-quality early learning experiences.

About This Cause

Tandem, Partners in Early Learning is a Bay Area nonprofit working at the intersection of social justice and early childhood education. Tandem works alongside school districts, child care providers, and community-based organizations on professional development, family engagement, and to distribute multilingual books and resources. Tandem works across 3 focus areas: Early Learning Everywhere, StoryCycles, and Network Capacity Building. Early Learning Everywhere focuses on serving children who are not enrolled in formal care through family-focused programming. This includes family workshops, play and learn groups, community events, and book giveaways. StoryCycles is a school-to-home book-sharing program that provides children and families with access to books to promote children’s early learning. In addition to each child rotating up to 100 books per year, educators and caregivers also learn how to use books to support the foundations of early learning through workshops and professional development. Network Capacity Building contributes to the strength of the early learning ecosystem by offering professional development for agencies, community leadership cohorts, and access to our high quality books and resources. Tandem’s professional development addresses a variety of topics including early brain development, supporting children who have experienced trauma, dual language learning, math, and more. Tandem’s book collection is the foundation for our programs. Our collection includes thousands of titles in 21 languages, highlighting diverse and affirming representations of children and families. Through all of our programming, our goal is to partner with adults across children’s lives to build excellent early learning experiences and address systemic barriers to opportunity.

Tandem, Partners in Early Learning
1275 Fairfax Ave, Ste 201
San Francisco, California 94124
United States
Phone 415-683-5460
Unique Identifier 271584676