
New York, New York, 10008 United States

Mission Statement

To reduce poverty by providing financial assistance directly to those in need.

About This Cause

GiveDirectly is a nonprofit that lets donors like you send money directly to the world’s poorest households. We believe people living in poverty deserve the dignity to choose for themselves how best to improve their lives — cash enables that choice. Studies show unconditional cash transfers can more than double incomes; increase school enrollment and entrepreneurship; decrease skipped meals, illness, and depression; and cut domestic violence by one-third. It does not decrease hours worked or increase spending on temptation goods like tobacco and alcohol. And even three years after the transfer, recipients are still earning more and are better educated.

P.o. Box 3221
New York, New York 10008
United States
Phone +1 646 504 4837
Unique Identifier 271661997