SAINT PAUL, Minnesota, 55114-1305 United States

Mission Statement

Repowered (legal name Jobs Foundation) provides reintegration opportunities, jobs and training for people with a history of incarceration. Through our social enterprise, Repowered also provides a safe, secure e-waste recycling service and affordable electronics for the community.

About This Cause

At Repowered (legal name Jobs Foundation), we give technology a second run and the people who restore it a fair chance. We provide reintegration support, job opportunities and personal development for those facing barriers to employment. Through our social enterprise, we securely collect technology from businesses and individuals for recycling or refurbishing. We recharge the life of electronics and the livelihood of people, advancing the sustaining health of communities, businesses, and the earth.

860 Vandalia St
SAINT PAUL, Minnesota 55114-1305
United States
Phone 612-361-4355
Unique Identifier 272295466