DETROIT, Michigan, 48211-2746 United States

Mission Statement

Our mission is to create jobs for people with barriers to employment. Our strategy is to leverage Detroit's underutilized assets:a large available workforce, abundant open space, access to fresh water, extensive infrastructure and a wide array of manufacturing and technology companies. We believe in creating job opportunities for Detroit’s residents and in helping returning citizens and challenged workers return to the work force. RecoveryPark transforms people with barriers to employment by creating economic development opportunities in the emerging market of local, live and fresh food. This is an innovative approach to workforce development that puts Detroit’s residents and resources to work in a food-focused ecosystem. RecoveryPark reduces the cost to society while increasing Detroit’s assets and creating a productive work environment, revitalized families and healthy communities.

About This Cause

RecoveryPark has a long-range plan for transforming Detroit’s assets of urban infrastructure, unused land and available buildings into thousands of jobs for Detroit’s unemployed by creating a network of food related business. By creating jobs that match existing skill levels, managing employment opportunities and providing robust support services, we can maximize the opportunities for successful transitions from chronic unemployment into productive, long-term employment. We began RecoveryPark with the vision that Detroit can have a new future with local, live foods as the basis for walk-able neighborhoods. For this to happen, there must also be opportunities for everyone to participate in the workforce. Veterans, returning citizens, challenged workers, those in recovery and other marginalized citizens struggle daily for the ability to care for themselves and their families. They deserve opportunities to work a meaningful job, earn a decent wage, own their own business and restore personal dignity.

5470 Chene St
DETROIT, Michigan 48211-2746
United States
Phone (313) 277-9900
Unique Identifier 273051022