New York City Alliance Against Sexual Assault
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Mission Statement
The mission of the New York City Alliance Against Sexual Assault ("Alliance”) is to prevent sexual violence and reduce the harm it causes through education, research and advocacy. The Alliance was founded by a group of rape crisis programs as a leadership organization to address gaps in services and prevention on the city, state and federal level. At the Alliance, we believe that it is our job to make sure that all survivors receive the care they deserve and to prevent future harm. By supporting us, you will be contributing to the effort to end sexual violence. All donations will contribute to the Alliance's sexual violence prevention, training, systems change, policy advocacy, and research work. We are grateful for your partnership.
About This Cause
The New York City Alliance Against Sexual Assault ("Alliance") is an independent nonprofit organization that was founded in 1999 by rape crisis centers in New York City in order to advocate for the needs of survivors and the programs that serve them. The Alliance acts as a voice for the rape crisis programs and survivor-serving community-based organizations working to support people impacted by sexual violence across New York City. We uplift the perspectives of rape crisis programs with elected officials at all levels, policymakers, stakeholders in sexual violence response including law enforcement and prosecution, with researchers nationwide and with the media. The Alliance facilitates regular convenings of NYC rape crisis programs and survivor-serving organizations to connect the programs with local leaders, decision-makers and stakeholders in sexual violence response, and to offer the opportunity for collaboration across our sector. Our sexual violence prevention programs include: - Project DOT, a youth leadership-based sexual violence prevention program engaging youth from NYC’s underserved communities, including communities of color and LGBTQIA+ identities that are often not the recipients of traditional prevention programming. Project DOT envisions youth as impactful organizers and change makers, who are well-equipped with the knowledge needed to prevent sexual assault in their communities. - OutSmartNYC, a collaborative effort between the the Alliance, the Crime Victim Treatment Center (CVTC), hospital partners and nightlife workers to reach bars, clubs and event spaces across the city with sexual violence prevention training and support. We help nightlife workers recognize warning signs, intervene safely and effectively, and create safe spaces for New Yorkers to enjoy a night out. To meaningfully prevent sexual violence, we must focus on the context in which people become vulnerable and the locations in which they might encounter potential perpetrators. Nightlife locations are also strategic sites for sexual violence prevention efforts because they can host various risk factors in their settings (e.g., drug and alcohol use, overcrowding). According to the National Institutes, approximately half of all sexual assault cases involve alcohol consumption by the perpetrator, victim, or both. Learn more at: Our sexual violence response programming includes: - The Alliance's Sexual Assault Forensic Examiner Training Institute (SAFETI) is the largest New York State Department of Health (NYS DOH)-certified training program for licensed emergency department and medical professionals in New York City. SAFETI is open to licensed doctors, registered nurses, nurse practitioners and physician assistants. In addition to offering the 40-hour certification course to provide sexual assault services to adolescents and adults, we are the only organization in NYC to offer the SAFE-P pediatrics course. The Alliance provides additional on-going professional development for certified SAFEs including our mock trial short course that prepares examiners to participate in the criminal justice process. - The Alliance's Training Program offers professional development to staff and volunteers at community-based organizations and human services agencies who interact with sexual violence survivors but may have never received formal training to do so. Our trainings build capacity and skills in offering trauma-informed, survivor-centered support to people who disclose sexual violence. Training can be designed for the needs of the organization. Historical training topics have included: Sexual Violence 101; Trauma-informed Care; Elder Abuse; Bystander Intervention. - To address sexual violence across college campuses, and in compliance with New York State’s "Enough is Enough" education law 129b. (EIE), the Alliance works alongside students, faculty, and staff on 13 New York City campuses to combat sexual assault, stalking and dating violence. The Alliance's Campus Program facilitates sessions designed to meet federal and state training requirements regarding sexual misconduct in order to support NYC colleges and universities in upholding every student’s right to an education free from sexual violence. Our educational content is delivered through an anti-oppressive lens and includes topics such as consent education, bystander intervention, supporting survivors, etc. The Campus Program promotes student engagement in the struggle against sexual violence through the Student Leadership Training Institute, through which student organizers are empowered to lead violence prevention work on their own campuses. - The Alliance manages the Enough is Enough Training and Technical Assistance Center, together with the New York State Coalition Against Sexual Assault. The Alliance's TTA lead develops and facilitates training, engages with expert trainers to lead sessions and offers both group and individual technical assistance for the rape crisis programs providing EIE support services to campuses in the Lower Hudson Valley, Long Island and New York City.