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Mission Statement
The mission of United Way of Delaware County is to improve the quality of life in our community. The vision of United Way of Delaware County is to be the charity of choice and agent of change in Delaware County by effectively managing the funds entrusted to us and strategically investing in programs that enhance health, education, and financial stability in our community.
About This Cause
Addressing one isolated need doesn’t create long-term social change. Everyone has to be involved to create ongoing, lasting change. And we’re focused on bringing everyone together – non-profit organizations, foundations, private businesses, schools, churches, government, citizens – so united, we tackle our serious and complex social problems from every angle. This is United Way - One organization looking at the holistic picture for the entire community by bringing Delaware County together around a common vision, common agenda and a common path forward to create a collective, stronger impact. The most assured way to create impact and change the odds is through donations. We invite you to give to our community impact fund or target your gift to our initiatives: Strengthening Families, Delaware County Hunger Alliance, Delaware County Against Human Trafficking, Supplies For Scholars or Women’s Leadership Network. You can also become an integral part of our community by giving of your time and talent.