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Mission Statement
Organization is dedicated to improving the lives of homeless and at-risk youth and young adults. The main focus is on prevention, outreach support, mentoring programs and an array of resources and services to help these youth on their journey to self-sufficient adulthood.
About This Cause
The mission of STANDUP FOR KIDS is to end the cycle of youth homelessness. This mission shall be carried out by a national volunteer force whose on-the-streets outreach efforts will find, stabilize and assist homeless and street kids in their efforts to improve their lives. The organization's mission shall also be furthered through deterrence and resource programs provided in schools and via the internet. All facets of this mission shall be guided by the mandate that our volunteers shall tell kids they care about them and then, at every turn, prove it. The STANDUP FOR KIDS constituency includes all children and youth, under the age of 25, who were homeless as youth and currently living on the streets. Additionally, our constituency is the at-risk youth, who are in peril of becoming homeless. These youth benefit greatly from our services and resources by not only having their basic needs met, but also by having a forum where they are able to develop a trusting, caring relationship with our trained counseling professionals who are interested in helping them achieve their personal goals and transition from desperation to success. Our resources range from basic hygiene/food/clothing, healthcare, counseling/mentoring, and drug and alcohol rehabilitation to support through our four core programs: Street Outreach, Outreach Centers, Apartment support, and High School Mentoring. We also facilitate reunions between kids and their estranged families. Our networking outreach program helps all at-risk youth by providing them with a variety of organizations and people in their immediate community who can help them with everything from legal services to identification services to employment services. All youth can access this network through the internet and will always have up-to-date resources that are specific to their needs. The youth and children are also able to reach our outreach volunteers if they are in need. Our organization is primarily a volunteer organization, currently utilizing over 500 volunteers from across the country. We use volunteers of all color, race, sexual orientation and physical ability. Our current programs are as follows: Street Outreach - We have extensively trained outreach counselors who commit to at least 4 hours of street outreach a week. We provide immediate basic needs such as food, clothing and hygiene items to the homeless youth we locate. The single greatest need for homeless and street kids is continuous caring and real support. Some of our Programs have Outreach Centers. The Center helps provide the support network of basic human needs and development through education programs, one-on-one counseling, and an ongoing atmosphere of hope and concern. The youth are also able to escape the terrors and hardships of street life for a few hours every day. They are able to do laundry, have a meal and relax before they are back on the street. Apartment Outreach - These counselors reach out to youth who are transitioning into independent living, where they are emotionally and financially ready to be on their own. The counselors provide skills training for everyday living, such as grocery shopping, laundry care, cooking, homemaking and other various tasks. Our High School Mentoring Program - matches homeless and at-risk students with caring mentors who can give them the support needed to overcome academic and personal barrier and the encouragement to make positive and healthy life choices. The presence of a committed and competent role model for our students builds self-confidence and increases school success. The goal of StandUp for Kids is to continuously establish and launch programs and resources to alleviate the problem of youth homelessness and prepare them for self-sufficiency.