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Mission Statement
We connect the joy of tennis to educational opportunities and enhance the lives of our youth and all persons with disabilities.
About This Cause
The USTA/Midwest Tennis & Education Foundation (USTA/MTEF) is the charitable arm of the USTA/Midwest Section. Its purpose is to provide financial support and educational opportunities to community organizations and groups, programs, and individuals. We make a difference by providing tennis opportunities to diverse youth from many cultural, ethnic, and socioeconomic backgrounds. We also award scholarships and grants, in doing so, USTA/MTEF enhances individuals’ personal growth, brings tennis to children who might never otherwise experience it. We enhance communities within the USTA/Midwest Section, and promote the sport of tennis as an enjoyable, lifetime sport that contributes to good health, leadership, education, discipline and self-esteem. We also have expanded to offer support to programming including wheelchair, adaptive and veterans’ tennis programs. Another way we impact communities is through our National Junior Tennis & Learning Chapters (NJTLs) impact youth in over 5 Midwestern states by teaching the importance of character and education by using tennis as a tool to keep children active by integrating life skills and leadership in the communities that need it the most. MTEF has over 28 NJTL Chapters in under resourced communities that offer free or low-cost programs to over 8,500 youth which include anything from tutoring, health and wellness, financial literacy, essay writing, STEM education, ethical leadership, and metal health awareness.