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Mission Statement
In response to God's love, grace, and truth: The Purpose of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA is to establish and advance at colleges and universities witnessing communities of students and faculty who follow Jesus as Savior and Lord: growing in love for God, God's Word, God's people of every ethnicity and culture and God's purposes in the world.
About This Cause
We believe that God has called us to reach every corner of every campus. Change the university. Change the world. For over 80 years, InterVarsity has had a vital presence on hundreds of college campuses, courageously proclaiming Jesus as Lord and Savior, engaging in discipleship around Scripture, and loving people of every ethnicity and culture. Our vision is to see students and faculty transformed, campuses renewed, and world changers developed. Our chapters exist to serve the campus. We welcome students into caring, diverse communities, where they can build friendships and explore Christian faith in the marketplace of ideas. At many campuses, we have more than one chapter, which may include separate outreaches to international students, nursing students, sororities and fraternities, athletes, artists, and ethnic minority groups, as well as faculty and career-specific graduate student chapters. Our history stretches back to 1877, when a group of Christian students began to meet together to study the Bible and witness to fellow students. This eventually led to InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA and the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES). Today, our ministry reaches students and faculty all over the country, from every part of campus and every walk of life. As a founding member of the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students, we partner to impact campuses on a global scale. To learn more about InterVarsity's ministry on campus, go to