HOUSTON, Texas, 77268-0481 United States

Mission Statement

The mission of the Empowering Through Education, Inc. is to provide educational resources and opportunities that will empower disadvantaged individuals to achieve their dreams, and build a stronger sense of purpose and self-awareness.

About This Cause

Empowering Through Education is designed to inform young individuals and their families about choices and the opportunities that are available when choosing a higher education institution. ETE’s focus is to empower individuals to achieve their dreams; enhance their positive growth and character regardless of race; religion; sex; national origin; economic background and physical or mental handicap; and to help individuals make intelligent choices about education. Introduce and offer the Empowering Through Education, Inc. program to all of the school districts in Houston, Galveston and surrounding counties. • Help high school graduates by providing information about financial resources, college admissions, financial budgeting and adjusting to college life. • Increase the number of students applying for admissions, entering and graduating from institutions of higher learning.

Po Box 680481
HOUSTON, Texas 77268-0481
United States
Phone 8326932931
Website www.ete1.org
Unique Identifier 364556612